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We seem to have a problem on different parts, as the waterjet is cutting everything is going good and all of sudden it like loses its mind in shoots off in a direction quick but its so quick that it doesnt cut much of the material but it marks it. We cant seem to find a solution for it, we just have to select cut from point and select a point past that point of crazyness.
We had a similar problem when we were storing our pathed cutting files on the Engineering workstation and opening them on the waterjet PC through our shop's network. Since moving just the cut files to the waterjet PC, it's not been an issue...
we would occasionally have this problem with a machine i use to run. After the machine would take off from its path and go cut "ghost lines" as we called them, we would go back into flowpath and examine the drawing and almost always something would show up, normally in grey, but we could only see when we would examine the drawing, or when we would run a preview in flowcut.
Usually happened with us on the expensive material. go figure.
We cant even weld in our shop when the machine is running.
My welding bench is about 20ft away from the actual cabinet, and the the waterjet is on a seperate Panel from our unit where the welders are wired to, and everytime the high frequency on the welder is going it will activate shutdowns on the waterjet.
Any ideas on how to block out the electrical noise? Roofing lead around the computer?
It depends on the type of system....the weak link is often any USB or network cables, but not all machines have them. If you do, it's worth upgrading them to better isolated cables. I've heard of some people wrapping their control in aluminum foil, but I can't believe that would work. I remember (back in the day) sticking aluminum foil balls on the rabbit ear antennas so you would pick the signal up BETTER.
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