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I'm having trouble with the abrasive line clogging up at the mixing tube just a few seconds after start up and flowing back up the feed line. I've switched mixing tubes, orifices, the o-ring in the nozzle nut and I've tried it with the vac assist on and off but haven't had any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciatied. Thanks.
Increase your "Abrasive on Dwell time". If water is backing up the line when the pump is running but the on/off valve is closed (nozzle off), it is almost certainly your on/off valve needing to be rebuilt, particularly the seat.
I have also had some difficulties with cloging. After rebuilding the orfice/nozzle assembly and removing the vacuum assist I have no problem now with abrasive feed.
New puzzling problem?? I have a 60K psi flow and the mast pressure guage reads 55-60 K psi. For some reason I cannot get it to cut even 1/4" carbon steel.
Does anyone know what the heck this means? My only thought is that the pneumatic on/off valve is not letting the correct amount of water volume to go through the nozzle.
Do you have drops of water coming out of the mixing tube when it is not cutting?
I've had this issue and have had a bad on and off valve (worse case) or you need to change the needle on the on and off valve (most probable cause and cheaper too).
Either way it is not a big issue but it is a bit fustrating. Sometimes all you need it to flip a metal insert where the needle goes in, and it works well.
i keep getting blockages, and everytime it breaks the glass, ive changed orifice, ive changed nozzles, air pressure is right, i filter my sand , water is good, pressure on the pump is good, ivr checked the pipes for air leaks theres none,
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