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I have an older 60K FLOW water jet and typically cut a lot of heavy stainless. I occasionally get an opportunity to cut UHMW but have not had much success with cutting it a speed that will make me competitive in the maketplace.
Does anyone have a recommmended setting for optimal speed that will still keep the cut edge clean (smooth)?
The abrasive friction causes local melt and is is difficult to get a good cut. I normally reduce pressure increase orifice size and keep abrasive at about .8lb so 16 thou orifice 40 thou tube 120 mesh grit and perssure under 40k also cut with water running on the part the jet will draw some into the cut to aid cooling or flood the tank to keep the water level over the top of the material.
The other things is to keep it held down and fixtured well. UHMW is somewhat buoyant in the tank and easily moves. It also has a tendency to show everything in the cut. So the tiniest vibrations show themselves.
i am also having a hell of a time with uhmw im cutting 1.7 in thick block and it cuts fine all the way around till it gets abck to the lead/in, it leaves a huge mark on my part on the lead out
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