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I am new to waterjet cutting but have had 7 years experience with CNC work centers. I have just been put on to a new 5 Axis waterjet and all is going pretty well except I cannot seem to cut a shape from a sheet of glass without the shape cut away showing traces of the lead in and lead out. I have tried different approach parameters (Linear In / Arc In / Entity Extension) and distances but cannot seem to cure it.
I think it is caused when the waterjet completes the shape, as the internal part (the part I need) falls away from the offcut outer section.
Could this be a part support problem? as it completes the shape I can definitely see movement.
Try using some weights on the parts so they dont move upon cut away, if its jumping back into the stream even slightly it will certainly damage the edge. You could play with the lead out speed, garnet off timing and things like that as well. I have developed vacuum tooling in the past to deal with this type of situation so the scrap is able to drop away but the part stays stable, not sure if thats something that would be of use to you.
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