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We're running Flow Xpert 7 and having some issues with pathing of interior corners. It is overshooting some corners and then pathing back over itself kind of like the tail on the little closed-line fish. It only does this on accute angle inside corners but not all of them and with no rhyme or reason. There can be smaller angles that it doesn't happen to...it's kind of random. Changing the 'tool radius' will affect it but also without any seeming correlations...i.e. we can randomly bump the radius up or down until it doesn't do this on any corners. The original file is produced in autocad but it is a clean and pristine file with no overlaps, open segments, etc. etc. and is complex to the point that it would not be realistically feasible to recreate it in Flow's software. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Sounds like you have some very short entities at the corners. Try filleting the inside corners with a radius slightly bigger than your tool radius. If you are using a 0.030" mixing tube, try a 0.020" fillet radius.
Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. There are far tighter inside corners within the program that it is handling just fine. It seems kind of arbitrary. We could go clean up every corner but that would be counterproductive.
I should add that it is happening so far only where the inside corner is between a radius and a line although not on all of them and also not specifically on the steepest angles. If we adjust the tool radius and repath, it may still have the problem but on a different set of angles within the same file. I've attached a dxf showing the typical inside corners I'm talking about..
Text can be very frustrating to work with, especially this small. The only solution I have found over the years is a lot of tedious editing. Preview the part to see where the "key holes" are in the corners, then fillet the corner either in FlowPath or your cad software. I edited your dxf and you can see radiusing the corner eliminated the last short entity going into the corner. Those short entities tend to be the problem areas.
Thanks a million for taking the time to look it over. Yea, I've kind of reached the same conclusion that there will likely just need to be some cleanup for text files. I'll probably write a lisp routine to clean entities below a certain length if I can't find one ready-made. Thanks again!
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