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will waterjet pierce and cut laminated shimstock without delaminating it, the materials we are looking at are : aluminum , brass and stainless steel shimstock in various thicknesses as well as various lamination thicknesses
Yes. You'll need to lower the pressure a bit, depending on the material... and turn your garnet on as quickly as you can, even before the water (if your machine has that capability.) Setting your lead-ins to 100% speed may help a bit as well.
I don't believe you'll ever get the WJ to pierce throught the material without having delamination. I've cut this material(aluminum) multiple times. My solution is to pre-drill all the pierce locations before cutting. Once the waterjet is through the material, it cuts it like butter. Another possible solution is to start all your pierces outside the material and cut into it.
I have had lots of success piercing shim stock. I used a .010 orifice with a .040 mixing tube at around 13kpsi with Ultrapierce flowing 1.2 lbs of abrasive. The water is what is delaminating the material in a sense. What this combination does is reduce the water and keeps the cutting power for when you need to cut. I would definitely make a few test pierces to see what works best for you.
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