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Is there any issues with stack cutting 1/4 in plate mild steel ? Was going to stack 5 to 6 sheets then apply some weld on the sides to hold them toghter. Is this an accepted practice or should i just cut one at a time?
I guess it would all depend on what your trying to cut out. If its a lot of small holes I would do 1 sheet at a time. From what Ive been told in the past I wouldn't try to cut more then 2 at max at a time. But that's just my 2 cents Ive only been running water jets for the past year.
Only issue I could think of is that there will be a noticeable difference between the quality of the parts from the top sheet of the stack vs the bottom sheet. You'll also risk scrapping more parts at a time if the jet fails.
I went ahead and cut 5 sheets at a time on 80 percent speed. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of the parts near the bottom as you said, but that was not a big issue for what the parts are being used for. Not sure how much time i saved if any but was just trying to cut down material handling time.
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